Жанр: RPg, 3DCG, Erotic Adventure, Female Protagonist, Sexy Girls, Big Tits, Big Ass, All Sex, Humilation, Groped, Family Sex, Old Man, Lesbian, Voyeur, Teacher, School
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: crazybat
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.3 fixed
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования (минимальные):
CPU: Athlon / Pentium 200 MHz
RAM: 64 MB
DirectX: 8.1
RAM: 512MB; VRAM: 128MB; HDD: ~ 296 МБ RPG MAKER
You play an 18 year old girl named May who has a mother, step-father, step-brother, and an older sister. She needs to get a job, attend college, and either become more corrupt or remain pure. Unfortunately, you are in charge of her decisions.
RPG Maker MV + HS/SPBR models
Release notes 0.3:
- Fixed reported/unreported bugs (thank you for reporting them)
- Corrected lots of spelling mistakes in all the events
- Replaced lots of u by you/your and lots of mine by my.
- Added a small alternate event with Lucy at the library
This event will trigger the 2nd time you go work a the libary after Lucy changed her clothes!!
- Added a repeatable exposure event at night with 2 stages so far.
This event will trigger a few days after you have agreed with your sister on the previous event.
Will change when certain level has been reached. So repeat it a few times.
- Added a new event with a small quest during week3.
- New costume has been added!!! Yeah
You will be able to buy it at the clothing store if your shame level is low enough.
Most of the existing events will be slightly changed when you wear this outfit!!
- Added a new "training" event which has some animation.
- Added 2nd stage for the clothing shop job. It is now considered completed!!!
There will now be a total of 4 One time events!! and 2 smaller repeatable events.
They will trigger based on your shame level.
- Replaced casual clothes standing picture by a new one.
- Added new repeatable event (Watch tv) in the evening at home.
Different outcome with different costumes.
Also added some randomness in it so keep repeating it a few times.
More options will appear when your exhibition level is above a certain level.
Made it optional to forward time from evening => night.
- Added 2 small events with your best friend.
- Added another event with your best friend.
- Added a optional follow-up event with your best friend.
You will only be able see this if you didn't refuse any of the previous once.
- Added conservation picture for Mom and Gina.
- There's is now a working toilet at school..
- Added a small "Easter egg" in the photo studio after a certain event.
- Added a lot of polish to a lot of events
- Added new Script for conditional choices. Old saves won't work!!! Sorry!!!
- Added new system Script from Yanfly in menu
This will add auto dash (default enabled)
You can customize window color.
Change volume of music sound effects etc...
- Changed default window color to purple.
- Added item "Color-book" in inventory which you can use to change the window color to 1 of 4 present.
(One of the presents includes the "old" window color.
- Added some small talk to mom and old neighbor who comment on May's outfit
- You can take a peek at the new map which is WIP. Nothing to do there yet.
I also tweaked the conversation pictures in the scene with sister a bit. There are 2 variants.
1) Both are visible regardless who speaks and the picture changes when the mood changes.
2) Only the picture of the person speaking is visible. Picture will alternate depending who is speaking.
I'd like some feedback which one you prefer. You can view this scene directly after you load savegame3.
Total CG count: 501.
To see all the Current content shame must be 69 or lower to trigger latest even in shop.
In my test run that was about the end of week 4/Start of week 5.
Old save files won't work!! This is due to adding a new script sorry.
I have added some save files from my test run:
The save files in the save files directory to skip ahead to day 5/6/7 day of the 2nd week or day 1 of week3.
SAVE 1 => Friday night week 2 (Will trigger scene with sister next morning)
SAVE 2 => Saturday night week 2
SAVE 3 => Sunday night week 2 (Will trigger scene with sister)
SAVE 3 => Monday Morning day 1 of week3
Changelog Version 0.2:
– New job at the clothing store (available after 2 weeks)
Can work at afternoon and evening during the week
Any time during the weekend expect night.
– New job Lifeguard (Available after meeting requirements)
Can work during the afternoon during weekdays
Mornings and Afternoons during the weekend
– New location Gym
Gym opens up at the end of week2.
May can train 3 different ways there to increase her confidence
comes with 1 small en 1 mini event so far
– added 1 small event to the library job and a lot of small changes
– Flyer job expanded to 4 stages. (4 slightly different costumes in total)
– Added series of small event with new npc. Meet him at school after class
– Added new event with sister with a part which is animated required a certain progress of event mention above to trigger
– Added new event after gym at school
– Added new event involving sister in public kind off
– Added new event with sister and well u will find out.
– Added new events to the photo studio events.
I couldn’t make a choice regarding a certain piece of clothing to wear during this event.
the good part is u get to choose. i implemented 3 variantions
– Introduced corruption stat (It’s a corruption game after all)
(the idea is the player will be able to choose what to do raising her coruption or not..)
– Added 2nd stage of masturbation at home (Only available after certain event)
– May can now “relief” herself at school if she is horny enough. (available after certain event)
– Allot of text was revised and adjusted.
– standing pic for all jobs, Expect for a few which i didn’t find worth the effort since they would be barely visable.
– Music can now be switched on/off by a key item u recieve with a new game. Or get it using the lever in bedroom.
– reduced “Forced” shower to 3 days only.
– Status screen slightly changed. (Pic changes also after a certain condition) Also displays day and time of time now.
– When stats are increased\lowered it will now show the amount.
– Change skip text key to space bar!!!
– Changes to a Lot of stuff i have forgotten already
Old save games might work. But will probably mess certain events up. So i wouldn’t advice using it.
Added 2 saves game for previous players to skip the first 5 or 6 days you choose.

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