Версия программы: rev 931.0518
Официальный сайт: www.softmaker.com/en/softmaker-office-windows
Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский
Лечение: не требуется (инсталлятор уже пролечен)
Системные требования:Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
Описание:Программный офисный пакет Softmaker Office 2018, основная разработка компании Softmaker GmbH, является отличной заменой для Microsoft Office. Пакет офисных программ в том или ином составе необходим и в организациях и дома на персональном компьютере для улучшения, оптимизации, облегчения процессов документирования, контроля и учета, автоматизации офисной работы. Вы, также как и в известном всем офисном пакете, можете работать и обмениваться книгами Excel, документами Word и презентациями PowerPoint. Поработайте с Softmaker Office 2018 и вы почувствуете, что ваша работа стала намного продуктивней. Интерфейс приложений пакета переведен на много языков и русский в их числе.
Низкие системные требования
Высокая скорость работы программы
Полная совместимость со всеми форматами файлов Microsoft Office
Поддержка новых форматов Microsoft Office 2007
Сохранение любых документов в PDF формат
Возможность создания портативной версии
Встроенный язык программирования VBA
Панель инструментов схожая с привычным и удобным интерфейсом
Русскоязычный интерфейс
Четыре инструмента: TextMaker, PlanMaker, Presentations и BasicMaker
2018-05-23: Revision 931
All programs
Feature: When a chart is selected, its ribbon tab now offers dropdown elements for fills and lines.
Feature: SoftMaker Office now includes replacement fonts for Calibri, Cambria and Segoe UI.
Feature: The included Noto Sans font has been updated.
Feature: Claws Mail has been added to the list of e-mail clients in the "Send document by e-mail" function.
Feature: If your mouse can scroll horizontally with its wheel, SoftMaker Office now supports it.
Feature: Smooth scrolling in documents
Feature: Support for horizontal scrolling with trackpads
Feature: SoftMaker Office now honors the Mac system option "Click in the scroll bar to...".
With build 1803 of Windows 10, the program title bar was no longer correctly displayed in ribbon mode.
In certain situations, a wrong file was used for the user dictionary, resulting in words added to the spell checker still being flagged as unknown.
Copying or pasting content could crash the applications.
Files on network drives could only be opened "read-only".
The setting "Print in black & white" in the Print dialog box was ignored.
Sorting ignored the country settings.
If you send a password-protected file by e-mail, the password is now retained.
The keyboard option in the "Customize user interface" dialog box now distinguishes between Ctrl+5 above the main keys and on the numeric keypad.
You can now customize the key used to open the Hamburger menu in ribbon mode.
The dropdown elements in the ribbon now work with the Arabic user interface.
When a dropdown list is open, switching to full-screen mode no longer causes a crash.
Transparency is now handled correctly with 3D AutoShapes.
Feature: New version of Duden Korrektor for German grammar checking (this feature above is only available if you download and run the MSI installation package again.)
Feature: More than one object can now be pasted from the clipboard to the body text in editing mode.
Feature: You can now customize the keyboard mapping for TextMaker's database window.
Feature: You can now abort dragging a tab or indent marker in the ruler with Esc or Alt+Tab.
Spell checking with Duden Korrektor is now faster.
Improvements to the file filters for RTF, DOC and OpenDocument Text
Speed improvements to RTF import
Inserting a field could cause a crash.
REF and PAGEREF fields are now imported better from .doc files.
The table-row option "Keep with next row" is now saved to .tmdx format.
Arabic text in tables is now correctly saved to .tmdx and .docx format.
If you drag a template with an attached database onto the TextMaker window, the addressbook now opens.
Feature: You can now abort dragging a worksheet tab with Esc or Alt+Tab.
When used with empty arguments, the INDEX function now behaves like in Excel.
Improvements to opening .xls files with pivot tables
Pasting RTF text from TextMaker no longer modifies the cell styles in PlanMaker.
Pivot tables can now be created from tables even if the first row of each column is empty.
Overly long text in cells no longer causes overlapping.
With "Always show comments", inserting a row above a comment could cause strange display of that comment.
Speed improvements for animations
The ribbon tab "Object" is no longer shown for tables.
Trying to delete a header/footer placeholder only deleted its content, but not the placeholder itself.
Applying a layout to all slides could cause a crash.
When a .prdx file is already opened by one user, another user can now open it only read-only.
Keyboard shortcuts did not work in the variable and output window.
Тип: установка, распаковка portable (от разработчика)
Языки: русский, english
Активация: SMO
Вырезано: справка, eM
Параметры командной строки:
Тихая установка: /S /I
Распаковка portable: /S /P
Ассоциации с текстовыми форматами: /ATM
Ассоциации с форматами таблиц: /APM
Ассоциации с форматами презентаций: /APR
Выбор места установки: /D=ПУТЬ
Параметр /D=PATH следует указывать самым последним
Например: SoftMaker.Office.Professional.v2018.931.0518.exe /S /I /D=C:\MyProgram
Примечание!!! При установке, на первой странице установщика, будет предложено изменить домашнюю страницу браузера. Не забудьте снять галочку.
Скачать SoftMaker Office Professional 2018 rev 931.0518 RePack (& portable) by KpoJIuK (x86-x64) (2018) {Eng/Rus} через торрент
[10,76 Kb] (cкачиваний: 61)